BECOMe Stronger, more FLEXIBLE In just 7 days
Experience a FREE full week of workouts at our North Sydney location.
During your trial you will see first hand how Unity Gym can help you balance strength, flexibility and fitness so you can move and perform like an athlete.
"I've been training with the guys at Unity for over a year now. They put their heart and soul into the program to ensure a group based training is as personalised as possible."
Our workout systems combine the most effective principles of gymnastics, callisthenics and weightlifting to enhance your mobility and strength to turn you unstoppable.
Experience a revolutionary movement system, personalised to your specific needs, designed to turn driven people into athletes.
Hear from Matt Stephens on why he loves training at Unity Gym.
"I'm Stronger And More Flexible Than I've Ever Been!"
"I injured my shoulder badly! SLAP tear, subluxation, torn supraspinatus ... I could barely move it.
I thought my days of training were over. Rad coached me through it and now I'm stronger than I've ever been. I can do muscle ups and handstands, I couldn't even do those before my injury. The UMS has changed my life"
"Now I'm really strong and flexible thanks to the UMS."
"When I started training with Rad I was very stiff and weak. I couldn't even squat properly without pain and discomfort.
Now I'm stronger and more flexible than I've ever been and it's all thanks to the UMS. I never used to stretch, I just found it boring.
But when you have a simple routine to do everyday you just do it. It becomes a habit."
"The UMS has helped me do stuff easily everyday."
It gives you something that you can easily do everyday and that's the key to success. It's all about frequency and consistency.
With the UMS it becomes really easy to practice everyday because you don't have to think about it anymore."
See why Jess Matherson loves Unity Gym so much.
"I've been following movement culture for a while and had been fed up of traditional gyms! Unity really is different to the rest. Our trainers not only kick your butt each week, but they cater to your individual ability and take a progressive approach. "
Our Facility
Our Programs
During your trial you will see first hand how Unity Gym can help you balance strength, flexibility and fitness so you can move and perform like an athlete.
Lower Ground Floor, 20 Berry St, North Sydney NSW 2060
Lower Ground Floor, 20 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia
Phone: (02) 9922 6161 | Email: